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    Alexandra Cos Shadow Visit Page

    Alexandra Cos' Shadow Visit Page

    Hometown: Danbury, CT
    Class Year: 2025
    Programs of Study: Public Relations / Marketing / Psychology
    Campus Involvements: Hawkward A Capella, Public Relations Student Society of America, Chorus

    Please refer to Alexandra' course schedule and the course descriptions below to select your desired experience. 

    Monday Shadow Visit Experience:
    11:00 am - 11:50 am: PSYCH 205 - Psychology and Work

    Students will learn how psychology is applied in industry and business settings. In particular, we will examine the psychological assessments used in hiring, evaluating and training employees; issues involving harassment at work, organizational attitudes and behavior; and employee satisfaction, stress and well being; work motivation, and leadership.

    Tuesday Shadow Visit Experience:
    9:30 am - 10:45 am: MRKT 335 - Consumer Behavior
    Comprehensive course designed to equip marketing students with a pragmatic understanding and appreciation of the intricacies of consumer behavior. Investigates what consumer behavior is, how and why it developed, and how consumer behavior findings provide the conceptual framework and strategic direction for marketing practitioners.
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled